Failte Solar


UN-G-V means the Grid voltages are lower than the protective value set in the inverter according to the local Grid standard.

1.  Get the basic information:

    Model,  serial number, error code,  how often the error happens,  software version,  installation & commissioning date,  Grid standard that is using inside of the inverter currently.

2.  Other steps to be taken:


    2.1.    Check how often the error happens. If only one or two times a day, then itโ€™s caused by the unstable Grid;

    2.2.    Measure the Grid voltages at the AC connectors(wire side, as showing in the picture below);

    2.3    Please check all the Grid voltages that are showing on the LCD of the inverter( as showing in the picture below).

    2.4.   Please check all the wire connections in the AC side. Specially in the AC connectors.

    2.5.   Please check the wire sequence inside of the AC connectors 

    2.6.    Check the Grid standard again, please make sure you are using the right one.

    2.7.   Please try to use the User def standard, please contact Solis for details and operation SOP;.

    2.8.    Please make sure your are using the right model.

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